India NCB’s Major Ganja Seizure: 111 kg Recovered in High-Stakes Operation

June 25, 2024
Ahmednagar NCB Ganja Seizure


The Mumbai Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) recently dismantled a major inter-state drug network in the Ahmednagar NCB Ganja Seizure, capturing 111 kg of ganja valued at Rs 2 crore. The operation on Sunday led to the arrest of four Pune residents: SM More, L Shaikh, R Mohite, and S Shekh. This bust underscores the ongoing battle against extensive drug trafficking routes from Odisha to Mumbai and Pune.

Source: The Indian Express


Based on reliable tips, NCB officials effectively tracked and monitored a network distributing ganja from Pune. Despite traffickers frequently changing hideouts, routes, and phone numbers, NCB’s persistent efforts led to intercepting two vehicles near Pathardi, Ahmednagar. This operation disrupted a significant drug distribution channel and exposed tactics of regional drug trafficking networks.



iCognative technology analyzes brainwave responses to specific stimuli related to drug trafficking. These stimuli might include images of drugs, transportation routes, or traffickers’ coded communications. The technology detects recognition patterns in the brain, indicating whether the tested individual has specific knowledge about the network.

The adoption of iCognative in operations like the Ahmednagar NCB Ganja Seizure could greatly boost the capabilities of law enforcement agencies in dismantling drug networks and reducing the flow of illegal narcotics.

Source: Brainwave Science