Punjab Police Arrest 5 in Cross-Border Crime Linked to Terrorist Lakhbir Singh Landa

July 2, 2024
Cross-Border Crime


The Jalandhar Police in Punjab achieved a significant breakthrough by arresting five operatives linked to Canada-based Khalistani terrorist Lakhbir Singh Landa involved in cross-border crime. These arrests are part of a broader effort to curb organized crime and terrorist activities in the region.

Source: India Today


During a meticulously planned 15-day operation, the Jalandhar Commissionerate Police successfully apprehended the five suspects involved in a series of crimes including arms and drug smuggling, murder, and extortion. The operation also led to the seizure of five foreign-made pistols. This crackdown is part of Punjab Police’s ongoing strategy to dismantle organized crime networks that have been operating across various districts in Punjab.



iCognative technology can play a pivotal role in this investigation by analyzing the cognitive responses of the arrested operatives. The authorities suspect these individuals are involved in arms smuggling, drug trafficking, and other heinous crimes. By showing suspects stimuli such as images of the recovered pistols, maps of smuggling routes, and communication logs related to extortion, iCognative can detect recognition responses in their brainwaves, indicating a suspect’s familiarity with the crime details, thereby confirming their involvement. Such precise brainwave analysis enhances interrogation effectiveness by focusing questions on verified information, ensuring swift and accurate justice. Moreover, iCognative’s reliability stems from its direct brain response method, offering evidence that is exceptionally resistant to deceit, crucially supporting the department’s efforts to conclusively determine culpability and streamline the criminal justice process.

The use of iCognative technology in handling cases related to terrorism and organized crime can significantly bolster the efforts of law enforcement agencies, providing them with the necessary tools to ensure justice is served effectively.

Source: Brainwave Science