Operation Global Chain Nets 219 Traffickers, Rescues Over 1,000 Victims

June 28, 2024
Operation Global Chain


Operation Global Chain, led by Austria and coordinated by Romania, Europol, Frontex, and INTERPOL, successfully arrested 219 criminals and identified 1,374 victims, including 153 children, in a major crackdown on human trafficking across 39 countries.

Source: Interpol


From June 3rd to 9th, 2024, this operation targeted networks engaged in sexual exploitation, forced criminality, and begging. The collaborative effort involved police forces and border guards from various continents. They carried out inspections at international hotspots, discovering evidence of widespread human trafficking.



iCognative technology, which analyzes brainwave responses to specific stimuli, could be a powerful tool in operations like Global Chain, aimed at dismantling human trafficking networks. By presenting stimuli such as images or details associated with trafficking activities to suspects or victims, iCognative measures brain responses that indicate recognition, even if the individual does not verbally confirm knowledge.

The integration of iCognative into anti-trafficking operations could improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of investigations, leading to more successful dismantling of criminal networks and better support for victims.

Source: Brainwave Science