Portuguese Corruption Scandal: Officials Released, Brainwave Tech Offers New Leads

May 23, 2024


In a shocking development in the ongoing Portuguese Corruption Scandal, a judge in Madeira ordered the release of three prominent figures, including a former mayor, who were detained on suspicion of corruption and financial crimes. The judge cited insufficient evidence to support the allegations of corruption and other financial crimes.

Source: Madeira Island News


This unexpected development raises questions about the prosecution’s evidence and highlights the challenges of investigating the Portuguese Corruption Scandal using traditional methods. The initial arrests garnered significant attention, yet the dismissal underscores the difficulty of proving intent and tracing illicit activities in intricate financial schemes.



iCognative™ offers a unique advantage by analyzing brainwave patterns to uncover hidden knowledge and intent. Investigators could expose the defendants – Pedro Calado, Avelino Farinha, and Custódio Correia – to specific stimuli related to the alleged corruption schemes. This could include details about public works projects, financial transactions, or communications. If any have undisclosed knowledge, distinctive brainwave patterns could reveal their involvement and uncover additional details about the alleged crimes.

iCognative™ could be a game-changer in this case, potentially uncovering hidden knowledge about financial impropriety and identifying accomplices who may have facilitated the alleged fraud. This could lead to a swifter resolution and more effective recovery of assets. 

Source: Brainwave Science