103 Taiwanese Detained in Bali for Suspected Cybercrime

June 28, 2024
Taiwanese Detained for Cybercrime


In a significant operation in Bali, Indonesian immigration authorities have detained 103 Taiwanese individuals on suspicions of cybercrime, following a raid on a villa in Kukuh village, Tabanan district. The raid, conducted on Wednesday, led to the confiscation of multiple computers and cellphones, pointing to potential illegal activities.

Source: AP News


Among those detained, 91 men and 12 women face accusations of misusing visas and potentially engaging in cybercrimes targeting Malaysia. Safar Muhammad Godam noted the complexity of pressing charges due to the international scope of their alleged activities. The suspects are expected to be deported soon.



In the investigation of the detained Taiwanese suspects in Bali, iCognative technology could be instrumental. This advanced tool measures brain responses to specific stimuli, such as images or information related to the cybercrime activities suspected in this case.

Using iCognative could refine the investigative process, ensuring precise identification and appropriate handling of individuals involved in cybercrimes, thus bolstering security and legal procedures.

Source: Brainwave Science