Singapore Geylang Bust: 35 Arrested in Illegal Activity Crackdown

April 12, 2024


A major enforcement operation in Singapore’s Geylang area spotlights the city’s ongoing illegal activity crackdown. The operation targets a wide range of offenses, including gambling, vice, illicit drugs, and contraband. 35 individuals are under investigation, while 16 received composition sums and advisories. The operation involved multiple agencies highlighting interdepartmental collaboration to combat crime.

Source: Singapore Police Force 


This operation demonstrates Singapore’s firm stance against illegal activities and its commitment to maintaining law and order. The involvement of various agencies underscores the complex and interconnected nature of criminal activities in urban areas. This illegal activity crackdown also highlights the Geylang area’s potential as a hotspot for certain offenses, emphasizing the need for targeted enforcement and public vigilance.



iCognative™ is an innovative technology that empowers investigators to uncover the truth. Authorities provide confidential details, and iCognative™ presents them strategically. Analysis of brainwave responses offers insights into whether a suspect is concealing knowledge. In a complex crackdown like the Geylang operation, iCognative™ could be a valuable asset. 

In complex operations like this, iCognative™ could streamline investigations, potentially saving up to 80% on time and resources. 

Source: Brainwave Science