Northampton Baby Murder 1982: New Arrest in Decades-Old Case

June 14, 2024
Crime scene


Police have arrested a 57-year-old woman on suspicion of murdering a newborn baby girl found abandoned in Northampton over 40 years ago. The arrest follows new evidence discovered during a cold case review, reopening a decades-old investigation of the Northampton Baby Murder case.

Source: The Guardian


This case highlights the dedication of law enforcement to pursuing justice, even for unsolved crimes. The ongoing review of cold cases demonstrates a commitment to bringing closure to families and holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of the time elapsed.



iCognative, a technology that analyzes brainwaves to detect hidden knowledge, could be a potential tool in such cold cases:

iCognative’s ability to potentially unlock memories and identify hidden knowledge could be an asset for detectives in this long-unsolved case.

Source: Brainwave Science