France Mega Data Breach: 43 Million Affected

June 17, 2024


A massive data breach at France’s employment agency, France Travail, exposed the personal information of up to 43 million people. Names, dates of birth, social security numbers, addresses, and phone numbers are all at risk, raising serious identity theft and fraud concerns. This incident follows a string of cyberattacks targeting French organizations in recent months, highlighting the growing threat to national cybersecurity.

Source: TheRegister


This breach is a major setback for France’s cybersecurity efforts. The compromised data spans 20 years and could be misused for various malicious purposes. The sheer number of affected individuals necessitates a large-scale response to minimize potential damage and rebuild public trust.



iCognitive is a technology that analyzes brainwave activity to potentially detect hidden knowledge or deception. By measuring electrical signals in the brain, iCognitive might reveal if someone possesses specific information, even if they’re not consciously aware of it or trying to hide it.

iCognitive could be a powerful tool for identifying those responsible for the attack and recovering stolen data. This technology holds promise for improving the future of cybercrime investigations.

Source: Brainwave Science