Suspect Denies Role in Detroit Synagogue Leader Murder

July 4, 2024
Detroit Synagogue Leader Murder


In Detroit, a man accused of killing a local synagogue leader insists he played no part in her death, claiming he discovered her body outside her home. During a tense court session, he told jurors of his shock and immediate withdrawal from the scene, concerned about the implications of his presence there given his background and activities at the time.

Source: AP News


Michael Jackson-Bolanos stands accused in a case that initially stirred theories of antisemitic violence due to the concurrent Israel-Hamas conflict. However, authorities have dismissed such motives. The defense hinges on his admission of being at the crime scene but not as the perpetrator, complicating the prosecution’s efforts that rely heavily on circumstantial evidence, including his jacket stained with the victim’s blood and his proximity to her townhouse, captured on video surveillance.



In the complex murder case of Detroit synagogue leader Samantha Woll, iCognative technology could crucially determine Michael Jackson-Bolanos’s involvement. Authorities suspect Jackson-Bolanos due to his proximity to the crime scene and traces of the victim’s blood on his clothing. iCognative can leverage this by presenting stimuli such as images of the crime scene, the victim’s injuries, or even recordings from the area during the time of the murder. Observing his brain’s reactions to these stimuli can indicate recognition or familiarity, strongly suggesting his involvement or presence at the scene.

Thus, deploying iCognative not only assists the department by cutting down on lengthy investigations but also ensures that justice is served accurately and swiftly, based on undeniable scientific evidence from the suspect’s own brain activity.

Source: Brainwave Science