HK$33 Million Cocaine Bust in Hong Kong: iCognative Crucial in Crackdown

July 22, 2024
Cocaine Bust in Hong Kong


Hong Kong police seized HK$33 million (US$4.25 million) worth of cocaine hidden inside green hollow tubes disguised as flower stems in a storage facility in Kwai Chung. The narcotics bureau set up an ambush and intercepted two men carrying the drugs, making this a significant cocaine bust in Hong Kong.

Source: South China Morning Post


On Saturday afternoon, the Hong Kong narcotics bureau ambushed a warehouse in Kwai Chung. Officers staked out the facility on Kwai Sau Road and intercepted two suspects leaving a flat. They found about 30kg of cocaine concealed in green plastic tubes resembling flower stems inside two cartoon boxes. Further searching of the 1,300 square foot storage unit uncovered an additional 12kg of cocaine hidden in similar tubes, bringing the total haul to 42kg worth HK$33 million. Investigators found 25 boxes of real roses nearby, mixed in with the cocaine.



iCognative technology proves essential in the fight against sophisticated drug trafficking operations, such as the recent HK$33 million cocaine bust in Hong Kong. Authorities suspect the arrested individuals of being deeply involved in an organized drug trafficking network. Specifically, they believe the suspects know about drug routes, supplier contacts, and operational details of the syndicate. To solve this case, investigators can use iCognative to determine the suspects’ involvement and knowledge. They present the suspects with stimuli related to their activities, such as images of the green plastic tubes used to conceal the cocaine, details about the storage unit, and communications related to the drug operation. As suspects view these stimuli, iCognative measures their brainwave responses. When they recognize familiar details, a distinct brainwave pattern emerges, indicating recognition and involvement. If suspects have prior knowledge of the presented stimuli, their brainwave patterns will reveal this, confirming their involvement.

This technology not only streamlines the investigative process but also enhances the accuracy and efficiency of law enforcement efforts, providing a significant advantage in resolving complex cases involving sophisticated drug trafficking operations.

Source: Brainwave Science