Three Suspects in Istanbul Businessman’s Murder Detained

August 21, 2024
Istanbul Businessman's Murder


Turkish police have detained three suspects in Romania in connection with the fatal shooting of Israeli Arab businessman Abdulkadir Anas in Istanbul. The assailants shot and killed Anas on Sunday evening while he was sitting in a car in Istanbul’s Kagithane district. Two other men sustained injuries, with one currently in critical condition. After the attack, the suspects swiftly fled across the Bulgarian border, escaping within 2 1/2 hours. Turkish authorities confirmed their plan to extradite the suspects back to Turkey. The Istanbul Governor’s Office further reported that a financial dispute motivated the attack. Additionally, police arrested four individuals on Monday who allegedly planned the attack.

Source: AP News


The murder of Abdulkadir Anas, a prominent Israeli Arab businessman, has sent shockwaves through Istanbul and beyond. The swiftness of the attack, followed by the suspects’ rapid escape to Romania, underscores the premeditated nature of this crime. The Istanbul Governor’s Office has indicated that a financial dispute was the catalyst for the shooting, highlighting the dangerous lengths to which individuals will go over monetary disagreements. This incident has not only raised concerns about cross-border criminal activities but has also emphasized the need for international cooperation in apprehending and prosecuting those involved in such violent crimes.



In this case, Turkish authorities suspect that the detained individuals orchestrated and executed the murder of Abdulkadir Anas due to a financial dispute. However, the suspects have yet to provide full confessions, and the evidence may still be circumstantial. This is where iCognative technology could play a pivotal role.

In conclusion, iCognative can revolutionize the investigation by swiftly and reliably uncovering critical information directly from the suspects, ensuring justice is served in this high-profile case.

Source: Brainwave Science