€3.1 Million E-Bike Customs Fraud Ring Busted in Belgium

May 9, 2024


The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Brussels, working with Belgian authorities and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), successfully exposed a transnational e-bike customs fraud scheme. Their efforts led them to unravel a network designed to evade €3.1 million in customs duties on imported e-bikes. This case resulted in three convictions and substantial fines.

Source: EPPO


This e-bike customs fraud case highlights Belgium’s vulnerability to transnational financial crime. Fraudsters employed sophisticated tactics, such as using multiple shell companies across borders, to evade customs duties. These schemes underscore the growing challenge of combating international fraud and emphasize the importance of cooperation between investigative agencies. The significant fines underscore the severity of the crime and the EU’s commitment to protecting its financial interests.



iCognative™ analyzes brainwave patterns to potentially uncover hidden knowledge. In the e-bike case, investigators could expose suspects to stimuli related to the fraudulent scheme (e.g., details about importing parts vs. whole bikes, communication regarding duty evasion, or linked financial records). Those with deeper knowledge might exhibit distinct brainwave patterns compared to genuinely uninvolved individuals. This could help investigators determine if someone truly lacked knowledge or actively participated.

While traditional methods secured convictions in this case, iCognative™ offers the potential to expose deeper knowledge within the network and identify remaining accomplices.

Source: Brainwave Science