Mexico Authorities Discovered 19 Bodies in Chiapas

July 2, 2024


Authorities have discovered 19 bodies in and around a dump truck in southern Mexico, near the border with Guatemala. The federal public safety department reported that the bodies, identified as mostly men and including at least six with Guatemalan identity documents, were found on a rural road near La Concordia, Chiapas. The victims, who were shot to death, appear to be casualties of ongoing turf battles between the Sinaloa drug cartel and a rival gang with ties to the Jalisco cartel.

Source: APNews


The discovery of the 19 bodies in Chiapas highlights the severe and escalating violence in cartel-dominated areas of southern Mexico. The region has seen intense turf wars as the Sinaloa cartel battles a rival gang with possible connections to the Jalisco cartel. Lucrative migrant smuggling and drug trafficking routes drive these conflicts. The surge in violence has caused significant displacement, with thousands fleeing their homes to escape the brutality.



iCognative is a brainwave-based technology that can detect whether an individual recognizes specific information related to a crime. Utilizing EEG and P300 ERP, it provides insights into the suspect’s subconscious knowledge, making it an invaluable tool for investigations.

In conclusion, the use of iCognative technology can revolutionize the investigation process in this case, providing accurate and rapid detection of suspects’ knowledge and involvement in the crime. This advanced tool can help authorities bring justice to the victims and restore peace in the affected region.

Source: Brainwave Science