Dubai Fake Passports: Over 350 Passengers Caught at Airport This Year

June 5, 2024
Dubai Fake Passports


In the first quarter of 2024, Dubai International Airport (DXB) detected more than 350 cases of passengers attempting to enter Dubai with fake passports. The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) reported a slight increase in these incidents, with 366 individuals caught compared to 355 during the same period last year. Using advanced detection technology and skilled officers, the GDRFA continues to combat the entry of individuals with forged documents effectively.

Source: Khaleej Times


The rising number of Dubai fake passports incidents at DXB underscores the persistent challenges in maintaining rigorous border security. The GDRFA employs the Retro Check system at every passport control counter to meticulously screen suspected fake passports. This effective system scrutinized 16,127 documents in early 2024, identifying 1,232 as forgeries. Thanks to the rapid verification process, officers can refer dubious documents to the Document Examination Centre within five minutes, ensuring prompt and decisive action.



iCognative™ technology can significantly enhance border security measures by detecting hidden knowledge and, consequently, uncovering the full extent of document fraud. Specifically, in the context of detecting fake passports at Dubai International Airport, iCognative could analyze brainwave responses of suspects. As a result, this technology helps to identify those with detailed knowledge of forgery networks and techniques.

Incorporating iCognative into DXB’s security measures could enhance the detection of document fraud, supporting Dubai’s reputation as a secure international travel hub.

Source: Brainwave Science