El Salvador Gang Crackdown: 3,319 Minors Arrested, 579 Sentenced

July 18, 2024
El Salvador Gang Crackdown


In an intense crackdown on street gangs, the government of El Salvador has arrested 3,319 minors, sentencing 579 to prison. A recent report by Human Rights Watch highlights the severe conditions these minors face, including inadequate food, healthcare, and exposure to violence within adult prison populations.

Source: AP News


Launched over two and a half years ago, this aggressive campaign against gangs has placed many minors in detention under dubious circumstances, often characterized by coerced confessions and questionable legal proceedings. The harsh treatment of these young detainees, coupled with broad charges like “unlawful association,” points to systemic issues within El Salvador’s approach to juvenile justice during this crackdown.



In El Salvador’s rigorous crackdown on gang-related crimes, iCognative technology proves essential in distinguishing actual criminals from wrongfully accused minors. By analyzing suspects’ brainwave responses to specific stimuli, such as images of gang symbols or audio of gang communications, this tool identifies recognition patterns indicative of genuine familiarity with gang activities. Authorities present these stimuli directly to suspects, and if significant brain responses are detected, it strongly suggests involvement in the gang, thus streamlining the investigative process and enhancing the accuracy of convictions. This approach not only speeds up the identification of true perpetrators but also helps protect innocents from wrongful charges.

By incorporating iCognative, El Salvador could enhance the effectiveness and fairness of its anti-gang initiatives, aligning enforcement actions with human rights standards and focusing resources on those truly responsible for criminal activities.

Source: Brainwave Science