Europol Raids Bust Financial Institution Money Laundering Network

June 21, 2024


In a large-scale international operation, authorities across Europe dismantled a money laundering network with ties to a Russian-Eurasian criminal group. The network, operating through a Maltese financial institution, allegedly laundered tens of millions of euros through a web of fake companies and individuals. Four arrests were made during coordinated raids in five European countries.

Source: Europol


This case exposes sophisticated money laundering tactics involving a network of fake companies and a seemingly legitimate financial institution. The vast sums laundered, estimated in the tens of millions, highlight the significant profits motivating these criminal enterprises.



iCognitive, a technology that analyzes brainwave activity, could be a valuable tool in addressing these challenges:

iCognative’s potential to identify key figures, assess the credibility of information, and potentially detect hidden financial activities could be an asset for law enforcement in dismantling complex money laundering networks.

Source: Brainwave Science