Interpol Crackdown on West African Crime: Operation Jackal III Arrests 300

July 19, 2024
Interpol Crackdown on West African Crime


In a major global operation, Interpol arrested 300 individuals and seized $3 million in a crackdown on West African crime groups spanning five continents. Operation Jackal III targeted organized crime syndicates involved in online financial fraud and other illegal activities.

Source: AP News


From April 10 to July 3, Interpol conducted Operation Jackal III across 21 countries to combat the escalating threat of West African organized crime. The operation focused on groups like Black Axe, notorious for their involvement in cyber fraud, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. Interpol’s efforts led to the seizure of $3 million and the freezing of 720 bank accounts. Black Axe, using money mules to open bank accounts globally, is now under investigation in over 40 countries for money laundering activities. The suspects include nationals from Argentina, Colombia, Nigeria, and Venezuela. In Argentina, police seized $1.2 million in counterfeit banknotes, arrested 72 suspects, and froze about 100 bank accounts.



iCognative technology proves essential in the investigation of these West African crime groups. This advanced tool analyzes suspects’ brainwave responses to specific stimuli related to their criminal activities. Authorities could present suspects with images of financial documents, communications between crime syndicate members, or details of transactions. As suspects view these stimuli, iCognative measures their brain activity to detect recognition patterns.

Integrating iCognative technology into investigations significantly enhances the ability of law enforcement to dismantle complex criminal networks. This ensures more effective and efficient operations against global threats like the West African crime syndicates targeted in Operation Jackal III.

Source: Brainwave Science