Kensington Drug and Gun Trafficking Ring Busted: 12 Charged

June 14, 2024
Kensington drug and gun trafficking


Federal agents, local police, and other officials announced charges following the takedown of a drug and gun trafficking organization that operated in Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood. The U.S. Attorney’s Office, ATF, and Philadelphia Police Department collaborated in this operation, resulting in charges against 12 individuals. Jacqueline Romero, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, stated that police have arrested 10 of the suspects, while one awaits transfer, and another remains at large.

Source: NBC News


This successful operation was the result of a months-long investigation into a criminal organization led by Wilfredo Avila in Kensington. The organization allegedly trafficked drugs and firearms from various locations, primarily in the Harrowgate area. Law enforcement officials brought 84 charges against the 12 individuals involved.

Authorities seized 57 guns, including ghost guns, assault rifles, stolen firearms, and modified guns. They also recovered two kilograms of cocaine and 19,000 packets of suspected fentanyl. Searches were conducted at 14 properties believed to be used by the organization.



iCognative™ uses advanced brainwave analysis to detect specific patterns when suspects are exposed to relevant stimuli. This technology can significantly enhance investigative capabilities in such complex cases.

Integrating iCognative™ into future investigations can help authorities uncover the full extent of criminal operations, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to dismantling drug and gun trafficking rings and preventing future criminal activities.

Source: Brainwave Science