Nigeria Wildlife Trafficking Operation: Suspects Arrested and Ivory Seized

June 4, 2024
Nigeria Ivory Trafficking


In a significant Nigeria wildlife trafficking operation, the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) arrested three suspected wildlife traffickers on 4 February 2024 and a fourth on 6 February 2024. This operation demonstrated the NCS’s commitment to combatting wildlife crime. The joint intelligence-led investigation with the Wildlife Justice Commission targeted illicit wildlife supplier networks. Authorities seized five pieces of ivory tusks, totaling 25 kg and valued at USD 16,000.

Source: Wildlife Justice Commission


The recent arrests and ivory seizure underscore the success of the Nigeria wildlife trafficking operation and the collaboration between the NCS and the Wildlife Justice Commission. Since July 2021, their efforts have resulted in 27 arrests and the seizure of nearly 10 tonnes of pangolin scales and over 1 tonne of ivory. These actions have significantly disrupted wildlife trafficking networks in Nigeria. Consequently, trafficking has reached its lowest level in five years and has displaced operations to other countries.



iCognative™ technology can enhance the investigation and prosecution of wildlife trafficking cases by detecting hidden knowledge and uncovering the full extent of criminal activities. In this wildlife trafficking operation, iCognative could expose suspects to stimuli related to their alleged crimes, such as details of trafficking routes, networks, and methods. Brainwave analysis would reveal if the suspects possess detailed knowledge of these activities, aiding in their prosecution.

In this wildlife trafficking case, iCognative could help uncover the full scope of illicit activities. It would identify additional participants and ensure strong legal action. This technology protects endangered wildlife and upholds Nigeria’s commitment to combat wildlife crime.

Source: Brainwave Science