Peru Corruption Probe: President’s Brother Arrested Amid Scandal

June 6, 2024


In a major development in the Peru corruption probe, President Dina Boluarte’s brother, Nicanor Boluarte, has been arrested. Prosecutors allege that Nicanor used powers granted by his sister to release funds to regional leaders and mayors in exchange for bribes. He denies any wrongdoing. Additionally, arrest warrants have been issued for 21 others, including President Boluarte’s lawyer, Mateo Castañeda. This follows the “Rolexgate” scandal, where President Boluarte allegedly failed to declare luxury watches.

Source: BBC


The Peru corruption probe has intensified with the arrest of Nicanor Boluarte. Allegedly, he led a scheme to appoint officials in exchange for bribes and support for the Citizens for Peru party. This arrest deepens the crisis for President Dina Boluarte, already embroiled in the “Rolexgate” scandal. Furthermore, her presidency faces previous accusations of genocide and homicide related to the crackdown on protests after her predecessor’s ousting.



iCognative™ technology can significantly enhance the investigation into corruption and influence-peddling schemes by detecting hidden knowledge and uncovering the full extent of illegal activities. In this context, iCognative could analyze the brainwave responses of those involved, including Nicanor Boluarte and Mateo Castañeda, to identify key players and their roles within the network.

In the Peru corruption probe, iCognative could help reveal the scheme’s extent, identify additional participants, and ensure robust legal action. This would protect public interests and uphold the integrity of Peru’s political and legal systems.

Source: Brainwave Science