Peru Credit Card Fraud: Two Nationals Charged

June 6, 2024
Money credit card


In a significant Peru credit card fraud case, two Peruvian nationals, Angel Giancarlo Bellido Cosio and Angel Eugenio Bances Chaponan, have been charged with credit card fraud and identity theft. The charges stem from a distraction theft scheme targeting Trader Joe’s grocery stores and other retail locations. Bellido Cosio and Bances Chaponan allegedly stole wallets and used the victims’ credit and debit cards to make purchases. They were arrested on March 13, 2024, and are currently detained.

Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office


The indictment of Bellido Cosio and Bances Chaponan highlights a sophisticated distraction theft scheme. They rented vehicles using a fraudulent passport, traveled across the U.S., and stole wallets from unsuspecting victims at various stores. Using the stolen credit and debit cards, they purchased electronic devices and other items. This case illustrates the challenges law enforcement faces in combating organized identity theft and fraud operations that span multiple states.



iCognative™ technology can enhance investigations into complex fraud and identity theft schemes by uncovering hidden knowledge and identifying key players. In this context, iCognative could analyze brainwave responses of the suspects to gather insights about their operations.

In the case of Bellido Cosio and Bances Chaponan, iCognative could help reveal the full extent of their operations, identify additional participants, and ensure comprehensive legal action. This would protect consumers and uphold the integrity of financial systems.

Source: Brainwave Science