Saudi Forgery Case: Citizen Sentenced to Prison and Fine

June 3, 2024


A Saudi court sentenced a citizen to three years in prison and fined him SR300,000 for forgery. He misused three cheques from a charitable organization, forging them to claim SR34 million. The Public Prosecution’s Crimes Against Public Trust division investigated after the suspect acquired a checkbook from a non-profit. He used the cheques to create fake transactions, pretending they were for the charity’s maintenance projects. Financial institutions discovered the forgery when he presented the cheques. The court reviewed the evidence and delivered its verdict, highlighting the kingdom’s commitment to protect documents and seals.

Source: Gulf News


The Saudi court’s decision shows a significant breach of trust involving charitable funds. The individual illegally obtained a checkbook from a charity and forged cheques, claiming they were for maintenance projects. Investigators found he also forged a document with the charity CEO’s signature and the organization’s seal. The forgery came to light when financial institutions processed the cheques, leading to the suspect’s arrest.



iCognative™ technology can significantly enhance the investigation and prosecution of forgery cases by detecting hidden knowledge and revealing the full extent of fraudulent activities. In this case, iCognative could expose the suspect to stimuli related to the forged cheques and documents. Brainwave analysis would determine if the suspect has detailed knowledge of the fraudulent transactions and the process of acquiring the checkbook.

In this forgery case, iCognative could help uncover the full scope of the fraudulent activities, identify additional participants, and ensure robust legal action to protect public trust and uphold the integrity of charitable organizations in the kingdom.

Source: Brainwave Science