Egypt Opposition Figure Tantawi Arrested

June 4, 2024


An Egyptian appeals court on Monday upheld a one-year jail sentence for opposition politician Ahmad al-Tantawi, leading to his immediate arrest inside the courthouse. Tantawi, who hoped to run against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in last year’s elections, was found guilty of election campaign irregularities in February. Authorities also barred him from running in parliamentary elections for five years, reported the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms. Additionally, the court upheld one-year prison sentences with hard labor for 22 members of Tantawi’s campaign team, including its director, Mohamed Aboul Deyar.

Source: VOANews


The arrest of Ahmad al-Tantawi highlights the difficulties faced by opposition figures in Egypt. Tantawi, who aspired to challenge President Sisi, encountered numerous legal obstacles. Authorities accused him of election fraud when he collected unofficial endorsements after facing various pretexts, including computer malfunctions. The crackdown on his campaign extended to 22 team members, all receiving prison sentences. This situation reflects the broader issue of political repression in Egypt, where many opposition figures and activists face imprisonment.



iCognative™ technology can provide valuable insights into the integrity of election processes and uncover hidden knowledge related to political repression. In this context, iCognative could be used to analyze the brainwave responses of individuals involved in the election process, including campaign team members and officials to detect knowledge.

In the case of Ahmad al-Tantawi, iCognative could help reveal the extent of election irregularities and political repression, supporting efforts to ensure fair and transparent elections in Egypt. This technology could protect political dissenters and uphold democratic principles in the country.

Source: Brainwave Science