Gain insights that would otherwise be impossible to uncover

iCognative™ provides a clear lens on intelligence gathered from interviews and interrogations. It is a powerful tool for fighting drugs, arms, and human trafficking. Quickly identify and neutralize genuine threats while discarding false leads.

Brainwave Science

Detect concealed information stored within the brains of suspects with iCognative™

The key to protecting our nation and its citizens

In today’s ever-evolving national security landscape, reliable intelligence is the key to protecting our nation and its citizens from the dangers of terrorism, espionage, and other malicious activities. iCognative™ is an essential tool for safeguarding our nation’s security, providing accurate and actionable intelligence that enables swift action in the face of potential threats. It is a game changer in the fight against national security threats and is a must-have arsenal in Homeland Security.”

With iCognative™ you can:

  • detect concealed information stored within the brains of suspects
  • accurately identify the perpetrators
  • distinguish witnesses or innocent parties
  • differentiate between high-level operatives and low-level criminals
  • determine the credibility of an intelligence asset
  • detect incriminating or contradictory information
  • accurately screen those with security clearances to reveal false identities or harmful intentions
iCognative headset